“Bhai, dhandho j karwano, Nokari ma kai nathi.”
(Brother, we meant for business, not for a job.)
Another humor they always relate to the business is.
“Gujarati dhandho Kari pan le and dhandhe lagadi pan de”
(Gujaratis can do business and put you in trouble with the same business.)
Dhandho means everything for Gujarati
Dhandho means everything for Gujarati You may often listen to words from the Gujarati community and people across the world. Yes, I mean the “across the world” phrase because they are scattered across the world. Wherever they go, they carry a business mindset with them.
Generally, they do not do a job because their business acumen is irreplaceable. They know how to churn out money from things they have in their hand or around them.
The people already have skills or have them in heredity, but never used them to their full potential. As time passes, people shift their careers and skills wane off. Those skills are still in their genes, and all it takes is just polishing.

Gujarat has given many leaders
Gujarat is a state on the western coast of India, with a coastline of 1600 km. The land of Gujarat has given many leaders, scientists, businesspersons, artists, politicians, doctors, lawyers, and influencers to the world. They are passionate, negotiators and risk-takers when it comes to building a great business.
Gujarati Businessman
They are devoted to the development and growth of the root state too. It does not matter whether to establish their business or live out of Gujarat, but the connection is always there. They are the master of Oil refineries, Coal Mines, Food & Beverages, Engineering, Hospitality, Textile, Medical, Research & Development, Pharmaceutical, and Dimond industries. All it takes to achieve is their nature and business mindset to convert any opportunity into a business.

In the early era of Gujarat, the income source was farming. The potential for further development of society was questionable. The farmer class of the people decided to migrate to other countries for business purposes. They moved to The United States of America, Kenya, Uganda, and London for business purposes. After struggling for a few years, they confirmed their establishment in those countries. More than 40% of hospitality industry in USA is ruled by the Gujaratis. The farmer class of Gujarat known by PATELS started the motel chains in the USA and became successful.

Their happy-go-lucky and friendly nature makes them acceptable to society. They bring business acumen by birth, which made them a good negotiator.
A lot to say about the land of kind-hearted people, they left their identity in a different part of the world. The younger generation is following the same path as their ancestors, with traditional wisdom and a modern approach of applicability. Gujaratis quickly adapt to different cultural backgrounds, which makes them succeed wherever they live.
Qualities such as negotiation, business acumen, risk-taking ability, passion, and leadership are worth learning. The purpose of educating the young generation who are jumping into new businesses with these qualities is essential. Their idea of passing on the business legacy to their younger generation is offbeat, which makes them unbeatable.
“Mor na inda chitarava na pade.”
You do not have to paint peacock eggs.
Gujaratis learns
There is a proverb in Gujarati- it says “whatever qualities you perceive, are derived from your ancestors”. The wisdom, business acumen, and leadership are what Gujaratis learn from their ancestors.
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